Parents can learn the signs and symptoms of substance use in teens.
Substance use in teensis a common issue that can have grave consequences. Often parents feel as if they have no power when it comes to their teens’ substance abuse, and may not even know that it is happening at all. As prevalent as substance abuse is, it’s important for parents to know thesigns of drug use in teens.
Teens who are under the influenceoften give clues without even realizing it. Finding out that yourteen is on drugsis one of the most frightening realities a parent can face and difficult for any mother or father to confront – but learning the signs and symptoms of intoxication could end up saving a life.
Dilated Pupils
Pupil dilation with drug useis a common sign for certain types of substances. Dilated pupils are easy to detect by simply looking at your teen’s eyes to determine whether their pupils are enlarged beyond what they normally would be. Substances that can causedilated pupilsinclude marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine, MDMA, LSD, ecstasy and others.
The pupils respond differently when the brain is under the influence of these substances. The muscles that control dilation are affected by drug use and this is one indicator that your teen may have used.
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Red Eyes
Along with dilated pupils, if yourteen is smoking pot, you may also notice that they havered eyes.Your teen may also have a difficult time keeping their eyes open.Marijuana use in teensis a common issue and it is wise to have an awareness of the signs of use. Red orbloodshot eyesare a common sign of marijuana use and may be a positive indicator of drug use in your teen.
Changes in Speech
If yourteen is using alcohol,you may be able to discover their use as a result of speech changes. Even if your teen is trying to hide their substance use, often changes in speech patterns are an indicator of drug or alcohol abuse. Slurred speech or pauses between words may indicate that your teen is not functioning at their usual cognitive levels, which may mean that they have been using alcohol.Teens using cocainewill likely havefaster speech patternsthan usual. Cocaine is a stimulant, causing it to increase the heart rate, thought processes and speech patterns.
Teen prescription drug useis steadily on the rise. Parents can increase their awareness of the signs andsymptoms of opiateand other prescription drug abuse and intervene to help keep them safe. There are certaindrugs that make you sweatexcessively. While there are many non-abuseable medications that can cause sweating, if your teen is exhibiting hyperhidrosis, it may be a sign of opioid abuse. Drugs such as Vicodin, methadone and Fentanyl are commonly associated with sweating, as well as Oxycontin. These medications are dangerous and easy to overdose on, which makes the identification of symptoms even more important.
Observe your teen’s neurological signs and symptoms.Teen drug usecan sometimes be detected by their external neurological behaviors such as fine and gross motor movement. If yourteen is on crystal meth, you may notice that they are jittery or demonstrate a tremor. This is a difficult symptom to hide and may provide clues of substance use in your teen. Amphetamine abuse is commonly associated withinvoluntary limb movementand observable jitters.
What If I Find Out My Child is On Drugs?
Concerned parents may wonderwhat to do when theirchild is on drugs.If you suspect yourteen is abusing drugs, it is important to provide an intervention as soon as possible to protect them from further physical and social risks associated with addiction. Help is available forteens who need drug rehab.Parents and teens don’t have to face this alone, reach out toThe Recovery Villageand learn about treatment options today.