Students who are victims of college hazing may experience shame, peer pressure, depression, and anxiety and use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate.
According to manyexperts,college hazinghas emerged as a serious health challenge. The practices include humiliating, dangerous, or abusive activities that a student must partake in before joining a group such as a sports team, club, or organization. While hazing is typically associated with varsity sports and Greek life, it can be a part of initiation into other groups to which students can belong on college campuses. Unfortunately,hazing in collegecan have serious consequences, including drug addiction.
What is Hazing in College?
You may be wondering,“What is hazing in college?”Theresearchshows that humiliation and isolation, as well as subjecting students to sleep deprivation and sexual activity, are widespread forms ofcollege hazing.Hazing may also involve forcing victims to consumealcoholas part of a misguided “tradition” that clouds clear thinking about the dangers of the activity.
Types of Hazing in Frats & Sororities
Hazing is common infrats and sororities, with onestudyfinding that among different college groups, hazing was highly prevalent in social frats and sororities. In fact, 70 percent of students indicated that they experienced hazing when joining such a group or maintaining membership in the group.
According to the study,types of hazing in fratsand sororities include the following:
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- Taking part in drinking games or drinking until ill or passed out
- Singing alone in public
- Performing sexual acts or watching others have sex
- Wearing embarrassing clothing
- Being dropped off in a strange location
- Acting as a servant
- Being screamed at or sworn at by other members
- Being subjected to sleep deprivation or awakened at night
Among thedifferent types of hazingin frats and sororities, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, participating in drinking games, and singing in public are still among the most common activities. Over half of students report being made to take part in drinking games, and about a third indicate they have been made to drink excessively or sing in public.
The Dark Side: College Hazing Statistics
Unfortunately,college hazing statisticsindicate that this behavior can have grave consequences, including death. According tonews reports,77 fraternity members have died since 2005, andhazing death statisticsshowthat alcohol is to blame for 82 percent of fatal hazing incidents. Furthermore, at least one student dies each year as a result of hazing.
Hazing deaths on college campuses have recently caughtmedia attention. One notable case occurred at Penn State University in 2017, involving a 19-year-old male fraternity member who suffered a traumatic brain injury and died after being encouraged to consume 18 alcoholic beverages over the course of 82 minutes. After the death, 26 fraternity members were charged criminally.
The dark side of college hazing includes more than just fatalities.College hazing statisticsshow thatsexual assaultcan also be a consequence of this degrading practice. According toBabson College,between 6 and 9 percent of women participating in NCAA sports indicate they have been victims of sexual hazing, which can include sexual harassment, sexual assault, or being forced to simulate certain sexual acts.
How Hazing on College Campuses Contributes to Student Substance Abuse
There is a dark side to college hazing, and unfortunately,hazing on college campusescan contribute tosubstance abuse in college students.Beyond the fact that hazing often involves alcohol consumption which can become an addiction, there are other risk factors associated with hazing that can lead to substance abuse:
- Rape & Sexual Assault:As the statistics indicate,college sexual assaultis involved in some hazing incidents. Students who suffer a sexual assault as a result of hazing may be more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol. For example, according to thePennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, the research shows that 80 percent of sexual assaults among college students involve a victim who is alcohol-impaired. Alcohol abuse and sexual assault can therefore occur together. In addition,expertsreport that people may abuse drugs and alcohol to cope with being sexually assaulted.
- Injuries:College hazing ritualscan involve injuries, asstatisticsshow that among female college athletes, about 10 percent are subjected to physical hazing, which can include being beaten or thrown in water.Traumatic injuries caused by hazing practicescan necessitate prescription pain medications for some students. Those who take pain medications may become addicted over time.
- Peer Pressure:College sorority hazingcan involvepeer pressure, which may influence students to consume excessive amounts of alcohol or use drugs. For example, if a student wants to be accepted into a sorority, she may drink large quantities of alcohol during a hazing ritual to fit in with the rest of the group. Over time, this can lead to alcohol abuse and addiction.
- Depression & Anxiety:Students who are humiliated, isolated, or sworn to secrecy as a result of hazing may suffer from depression and anxiety. Problems withmental health and addictionsoftenoccur together, and students who are struggling with depression or anxiety may develop substance use disorders if they use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate.
Initiating Safe College Bonding Practices to Reduce Long-Term Impact
The consequences of college hazing can be serious and involve substance abuse and addiction. Students may abuse drugs and alcohol during hazing rituals or use these substances to cope with the effects of hazing.
Students should include alternatives to hazing, whichcan includegroup bonding activitiesthat are safe and do not humiliate students who wish to join a sports team, Greek organization, or club. For example, games, dances or movie nights can be promoted as team bonding activities, instead of dangerous, humiliating hazing activities.
If you or a loved one has been a victim of college hazing and is experiencing struggles with substance abuse as a result, The Recovery Village has locations around the country and a team of caring professionals ready to assist you on your treatment journey. Reach out to theadmissionsdepartment today to begin the recovery process.