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Tranxene Addiction

Table of Contents

What Is Tranxene?

Tranxene is a brand name prescription drug, and the generic name is clorazepate. Tranxene is a benzodiazepine. This medication is primarily prescribed to treat anxiety symptoms. In some cases, Tranxene may be prescribed to treat symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and certain types of seizures. All benzodiazepines affect the central nervous system. Specifically, these substances slow the central nervous system (CNS). When someone uses Tranxene, it affects GABA. GABA is a neurotransmitter that has a calming role. GABA naturally calms neural activity, reducing anxiety and seizure activity. When someone has a GABA deficiency, they may experience anxiety, which is why they could be prescribed Tranxene. Some of the common side effects of this medicine include dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, dry mouth, confusion and upset stomach.

Tranxene Misuse

Under the Controlled Substances Act in the U.S., Tranxene is classified as Schedule IV. Drugs, substances and specific chemicals are grouped into five categories based on their accepted medical use, and the potential for misuse or physical dependence. According to the DEA, the misuse rate is one of the primary factors used in determining the schedule of the drug. Schedule I drugs have no accepted medical application in the U.S. and are considered to have the highest potential for misuse, and then the risk of misuse goes down from there based on the schedule.

Schedule IV drugs are benzodiazepines including not only clorazepate but also brand-name drugs like Xanax, Soma, Valium, and Ambien. These drugs are classified as having accepted medical uses and a low potential for misuse and physical dependence, but the risk still exists. In fact, over recent years the topic of benzodiazepine misuse and addiction have become a point of focus.

When someone uses a drug like Tranxene, they may experience a feeling of euphoria, or pleasant relaxation. This can cause a reward response in the brain. When a reward response is triggered, it can lead to the development of the psychological disease of addiction. Addiction is a brain disease with diagnosable symptoms. Symptoms include continuing to administer a substance even when there are negative consequences or putting an immense amount of attention on taking the substance. The likelihood of Tranxene addiction is higher in people who misuse the drug. Misuse of Tranxene would include taking larger doses than prescribed or taking it more often than instructed. People who take it for long periods of time or without a prescription are also more likely to become addicted.

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Because of the risk of Tranxene addiction and misuse, it’s intended only as a short-term medication. If people have a history of drug or alcohol misuse or physical dependence, they might also need to avoid Tranxene. People with a history of mental health problems including depression are also warned about the use of this medication.

Some people may inadvertently combine Tranxene with other substances, and this can be dangerous. Other users may do it recreationally to achieve more of a high. For example, it’s not uncommon to combine a benzodiazepine like Tranxene with an opioid or alcohol. This would increase the effects of both, but there are many risks of doing so. Misusing Tranxene by combining it with another substance increases the chance of becoming addicted. It can also lead to a fatal overdose because of respiratory depression. Clorazepate products contain a block box warning about the risk of CNS and respiratory depression, particularly when combined with opioids.

Tranxene Dependence

Along with Tranxene addiction and misuse, another topic of discussion is physical dependence. Addiction is separate from dependence, in that one is a psychological disease and one is a physical need. It’s possible for someone to be addicted to Tranxene or dependent on it without both conditions. Addiction is a brain disease characterized by compulsive use of a substance despite negative outcomes. It is possible to recover from addiction with effective treatment. Dependence is a physical condition. When the body and brain are repeatedly exposed to a substance, they become used to it. This is known as an adaptive state. Should someone be dependent on Tranxene and try to stop using it suddenly, they may go through withdrawal syndrome. Tranxene withdrawal symptoms can be both physical and psychological.

Whether someone is struggling with addiction, dependence or both, there are treatment options available. Contact The Recovery Village where we can explore the options available to you or your loved one, and answer specific questions you may have, such as how to pay for rehab.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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