SMART Recovery is a mutual- and self-help recovery program that has been an alternative to 12-step programs for more than 25 years.
Standing for Self Management and Recovery Training,SMART Recoveryis an international non-profit organization and support group style that offers help to those seeking abstinence fromaddictionsandaddictive behaviors.
An alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (AA), SMART Recovery offers secular support group therapy and is often incorporated intorehab programs for addiction.
What Is SMART Recovery?
As asupport group, SMART Recovery is a self-empoweringaddictionrecovery program. It claims to be based on the latest scientific research and a worldwide community that includes mutual support groups.
TheSMART Recovery 4-Point Programhelps people recover from all types of substance and behavioral addictions, such as:
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- Drugoralcohol addiction
- Gambling addiction
- Sexual addiction
- Nicotine addiction
- Eating disorders
Similar to many other groups, SMART Recovery offers face-to-face meetings anddaily online meetings. In addition, they offer an online message board and24-hour chat roomto learn about SMART Recovery and connect with addiction recovery support.
Origins and Development
Thehistory of SMART Recoverydates back to 1994 when the board of the former Alcohol & Drug Abuse Self-Help Network incorporated the SMART Recovery program. The original concept was to provide secular self-help and mutual-help framework based on techniques taken fromcognitive behavioral therapy(CBT), rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), motivational enhancement therapy (MET) and unspecified scientific knowledge.
Since 1994, the organization has expanded to include more than2,400 weekly meetings in 21 countries. Thefounding presidentof SMART Recovery is Joe Gerstein MD, and the organization is based in Mentor, Ohio.
How Does SMART Recovery Work?
The program uses a four-point system to overcome the dysfunctional beliefs, thinking and behaviors of addictions. TheSMART Toolboxis a collection of methods (or tools) that use the four points. These points are discussed in SMART Recovery’s main program publication, the SMART Recovery Handbook.
For people who are seeking help recovering from addictions, SMART Recovery can be used as a stand-alone primary recovery support program but does not need to be exclusive. The program is generally considered an alternative to 12-step programs. However, SMART Recovery emphasizes that participants should find their own paths to recovery, so it is also suggested as a supplement to 12-step programs.
4-Point Program
The four points are the basis of the SMART Recovery approach to recovery and are detailed in the SMART Recovery Handbook. Unlike the12 steps of AAor NA, the four points can be done in any order.
The four points include:
1. Building and maintaining motivation:Participants are encouraged to make a list of the pros and cons of addictive behaviors versus those of being in recovery to motivate themselves to stay strong in sobriety.
2. Coping with urges or substance cravings:Participantsidentify their personal triggersand the irrational thoughts and beliefs that lead them to act on their triggers. They learn todeflect these triggersand thoughts to overcome cravings.
3. Managing thoughts, feelings and behaviors:Group participants are taught to examine their own feelings and thoughts that lead to their addictive behaviors. Techniques for handling negative thoughts are emphasized.
4. Living a balanced life:Participants decide what is important to them in life and what achievable goals they would like to set. They learn to live without using harmful substances or addictive behaviors and work toward what is important to them.
SMART Recovery ABC Model
TheABC modelis a technique that is borrowed from REBT, which is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy. The ABC model is a simple self-help exercise that allows a person to challenge theirrational beliefs and thinkingpatterns that influence addiction. People complete the exercise mentally, but there is anABC worksheetavailable to allow people to practice.
The ABCs are:
A.Activating events:what started the negative thought or emotion?
B. Beliefs:what do I believe about the activating event?
C. Consequences:what am I feeling and how am I behaving?
D. Dispute:challenge the beliefs; which ones are dysfunctional?
E. Effective new thinking:what new belief can I use to replace the dysfunctional one?
Benefits of SMART Recovery
Variousbenefits and advantagesof SMART Recovery include:
- Flexibility:web-based or in-person meetings and discussions
- Mutual- and self-help aspects:the support group and personal tools help people support each other and themselves
- Extensive literature and resources
- Duration:SMART Recovery provides the ongoing long-term support that most people need in recovery
- Behavioral approach:SMART Recovery addresses the dysfunctional thoughts that contribute to addictions
SMART Recovery vs. 12-Step Programs
Some fundamentaldifferencesexist between SMART Recovery and12-step programs,such asAA,NAandGamblers Anonymous.
These differences include:
- SMART Recovery does not require abstinence from substance use, while 12-step programs are abstinence-based.However,research into alcohol useanddrug useshows that people who are dependent on a substance are unlikely to be successful with a return to responsible drinking or drug use behaviors.
- SMART Recovery is a secular, non-religious group.While the 12-step program is also non-religious — it is a program of spirituality — the program does use the words God and prayer often.
There are some fundamental similarities between the two programs:
- Both focus on treating the underlying mental, emotional and social causes of addiction
- Both provide the group support and long-term support that are known to be crucial for long-term recovery
- Both programs provide excellent literature and mentorship
Arecent studyof people with alcohol use disorder showed tentative support for alternative programs to AA, including SMART Recovery, concluding that these alternatives show promise.
SMART Recovery in Addiction Treatment
Although SMART Recovery was started in 1994, there has only recently been independent research into its effectiveness, and an independent investigation has not yet been established a success rate.
However, current research supports it as an alternative to 12-step programs, as it has all the factors needed for being an integral part of long-term recovery.
Onetwo-partstudyinvolving “heavy problem drinkers” found that SMART Recovery reduced their alcohol-related problems and number of drinks per day, and increased their percentage of abstinent days compared to those who used another online recovery program.
Additionally, anotherstudythat reviewed the existing research available on SMART Recovery concluded that there are positive outcomes for addiction recovery, but that the sample sizes involved were too small to make any conclusions about its effectiveness.
Furtherresearch is plannedto fill any knowledge gaps in the effectiveness of SMART Recovery.
SMART Recovery at The Recovery Village
At The Recovery Village facilities, SMART Recovery is offered as an alternative, secular group meeting to 12-step groups for people who are not religious.The Recovery Villagerehab centersincorporate SMART Recovery as a part of daily addiction treatment in most levels of care.
Most locations of The Recovery Village offer SMART Recovery meetings in addition to AA, NA and other 12-step groups. The following locations offer SMART Recovery groups as part of addiction rehab:
- The Recovery Village in Umatilla, Florida
- Orlando Recovery Center
- The Recovery Village at Palmer Lake
- The Recovery Village Ridgefield
- The Recovery Village Columbus
- The IAFF Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Treatment and Recovery
How to Find a SMART Recovery Meeting
AvailableSMART Recovery meetings near youmay besearchedby location on their website, or ameeting listcan be downloaded. Most groups are open to the public, although some are not. No registration or prior contact is necessary to attend an open meeting. MostSMART Recovery online meetings and forumsmay be located from the organization’swebsite.
If you are struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, The Recovery Village can help. We offer comprehensive substance use disorder treatment at accredited facilities across the country.Contact us todayto learn about our personalized treatment plans.