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Benefits of Intensive Outpatient Programs

Learn 6 benefits of intensive outpatient programs that allow for addiction treatment without an overnight stay at a treatment center.

If you’ve come to terms with the fact that you’re struggling with a dependency – whether it’s alcohol,opiates, oranother substance– and want to get clean, you will need to decide if you are going to commit toan inpatient or outpatient program. As the name suggests, an inpatient recovery program involves physically staying in a facility during the early stages of recovery. There are tremendous benefits to inpatient programs, but they are often not feasible for thosewhocan’t meet thecommitment required.

Here are the top 6 benefits of intensive outpatient services:

1. Maintain the ability to support your family

An outpatient program gives you the flexibility to maintain your household responsibilities while going through the phases of recovery. Many patients have young children that require continued supervision and care. Other patients may have a spouse that works and aren’t able to schedule or pay for a full-time nanny. Outpatient programs offer freedom and flexibility when needed.

2. Get help from your close family and friends

Isolation is one of the largest threatsto overcoming an addiction. In an inpatient program, our goal is that you experience community by meeting new people with the same struggle. Though if you don’t require inpatient services and have a strong network of family and friends who want to see you sober, an outpatient program might be an appropriate option.

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3. Keep your privacy

A huge roadblock in addiction recovery is embarrassment and shame. Many people struggle with admitting to themselves that they have a problem. Moments of embarrassment can prevent potential patients from entering into recovery. Our trained and professional staff are committed to your privacy and work with discretion. Your recovery community, those who are going through an outpatient program as well, can help you find confidence and feel safe while going through recovery at your own pace.

4. Lower cost

The cost of outpatient recovery is significantly less expensive than inpatient recovery. This is often the primary reason that people choose outpatient programs. If you simply can’t afford inpatient, many people find anintensive outpatient program to be more feasible. The total cost of an outpatient program will likely cost under $10,000, while an inpatient program can cost up to $40,000.

5. Build community with others in recovery in your area

One of the keys to maintaining sobriety is having a strong community of peers inrecovery. You canfind a deep sense of family thatfully understands what you are going through. With an outpatient program, you can begin to develop this community from day one and they will still be there years down the road. This is invaluable for your long-term sobriety.

6. Keep your presence at school or work

Many people can’t simply uproot their lives and suspend school or work for weeks in order to go through recovery. Intensive outpatient services will give you the flexibility to maintain your work or school schedule. While you may need to take some time off during the most intense periods of withdrawal, you will most likely be able to continue with your responsibilities. Additionally, work or school can provide a necessary and healthy outlet during the intense work of recovery.

Intensive outpatient programs offer an excellent opportunity for our patients to utilize the skills acquired during the acute phase of treatment. If you’re ready to enroll in treatment or have questions,reach outto The Recovery Villagetoday to get started.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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