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Vicoprofen (Hydrocodone/Ibuprofen) Withdrawal And Detox

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What Are Common Vicoprofen Withdrawal Symptoms?

Vicoprofen is a powerful combination pain medication. Vicoprofen’s active ingredients arehydrocodoneand ibuprofen. Intended only as a short-term pain treatment, Vicoprofen has the potential to lead to psychological and physical dependence. Hydrocodone is an opioid, which is why Vicoprofen can lead to misuse andaddiction. The longer someone uses Vicoprofen, the more likely they are to experience addiction or dependence. Hydrocodone binds to opioid receptors in the central nervous system and throughout the body. That allows it to change how the patient’s body senses and responds to pain. At the same time, this effect can cause euphoria and a pleasure and reward reinforcement response in the brain. The brain can also become dependent on the effects of hydrocodone. When that happens, the brain changes its own functionality and stops working in the same way it once did because the hydrocodone is doing certain work for the brain. This is dependence, and if someone stops using hydrocodone suddenly when they are dependent, they may experiencewithdrawal symptoms.Common Vicoprofen withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Mood swings
  • Agitation
  • Runny nose
  • Insomnia
  • Yawning
  • Irritability and restlessness
  • Symptoms similar to the flu
  • Diarrhea
  • Cramps, aches and pains
  • Sweating
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Vomiting
  • Dilated pupils
  • Tremors
  • Cravings
  • Fatigue

Vicoprofen Withdrawal Timeline And Symptom Duration

The specifics of a Vicoprofen withdrawal timeline can vary, depending on the individual and the extent of their use. Also, being dependent on other substances at the same time can make withdrawal more severe as well. For most patients, Vicoprofen withdrawal may start between six and 12 hours after the last dose is used. The peak for opioid withdrawal symptoms is around 72 hours after the last dose was taken. Some people may see their Vicoprofen withdrawal symptoms end within a week. Some patients may have longer and more ongoing symptoms, however. This is especially true of psychological symptoms like depression and anxiety.

Managing Symptoms Of Vicoprofen Withdrawal

The best way to manage Vicoprofen withdrawal symptoms is to taper down the dose used gradually. Tapering down is better than stopping cold turkey because it reduces or eliminates withdrawal symptoms and can reduce the likelihood of complications. No one should try to taper down their Vicoprofen dosage on their own. Following the instructions of a medical professional is important. Stopping Vicoprofen cold turkey is likely going to create the worst withdrawal symptoms for most people. Even when someone is using Vicoprofen as prescribed, their doctor may want them to taper down their dosage, rather than just stopping.

Vicoprofen Medications And Detox

Detox is the period of time where someone dependent on Vicoprofen stops using the drug, and it clears their system. For someone with a drug addiction, detox is essential before that person can begin addiction treatment. There are medications approved to help people as they go through opioid withdrawal. These medications are designed to achieve different effects including reducing cravings, lowering the risk of recurrence of use and mitigating withdrawal symptoms. Opioid withdrawal medications aren’t a treatment for addiction, however. They are instead something that can reduce the chances of recurrence of use and increase the potential for addictiontreatmentto be completed. Methadone is one of the most commonly used opioid withdrawal medications, but it has downsides. For example, methadone may become a replacement drug for opioids that can lead to long-term use.Buprenorphineis a shorter-acting drug than methadone, and it affects opioid receptors but in a milder way. This drug can reduce cravings. Naltrexone blocks opioid receptors so getting high while on it isn’t possible; it doesn’t stop withdrawal symptoms or cravings. Clonidine is also frequently used during opioid withdrawal. Clonidine can help with a variety of opioid withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, cramping, muscle aches and restlessness. In addition to prescription drugs, patients going through opioid withdrawal may be given fluids and medicines to manage specific symptoms including insomnia, nausea, and pain.

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How To Choose A Vicoprofen Center

Often opioid dependence requires that someone go to a professional detox center. A professional detox center has many advantages for patients. A Vicoprofen medical detox allows patients to safely and comfortably go through withdrawal. There should be a team of mental and physical health professionals who can provide treatments as they’re needed for patients. Medications can be given to reduce symptoms, and a medical detox is a good way to reduce the risk of recurrence of use. When choosing a Vicoprofen center, the best option for many people is to choose one that’s part of an addiction treatment facility. Otherwise, when a patient completes detox, they may have to be transferred somewhere else for actual treatment.

To learn more about opioid withdrawal and detox, as well asaddiction treatment,contact The Recovery Village today.

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The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

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