Mixing Alcohol and Vivitrol (Naltrexone) | Side Effects, Interactions, and Blackouts
Vivitrol (naltrexone) is a medication to help with opiate addiction. If you have been prescribed this drug by a doctor, it is important to do your research about this medication before taking it.
As with all prescription medications, there are side effects and interactions unique to naltrexone that users need to be aware of to maintain this drug’s effectiveness and safety.
Be sure to talk to your doctor about your full medical history when considering taking this medication. While you are no longer taking opiates, other mind-altering substances, like alcohol, can affect this drug’s chemical reaction in your body. Be sure to tell your medical provider if you drink alcohol so that he or she can prevent dangerous interactions and blackouts before prescribing the proper medication for you.
In the following section, we will investigate how Vivitrol works, what its side effects are, and if any possible interactions with alcohol can occur in users.
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What is Vivitrol (Naltrexone)?
Brintellix is the brand name for the generic prescription drug vortioxetine. Brintellix is available in tablet form and designed for oral use only. Typically, users will be directed to take the medication once daily.
Brintellix is an antidepressant medication that works by restoring the balance in the brain. Vortioxetine is an SSRI, which means it works by maintaining the proper level of the serotonin (a neurotransmitter) in the brain. Once the serotonin is balanced, users can experience an improved mood, sleep, sex drive, appetite, and energy level.
As an SSRI, vortioxetine is one of the most common forms of antidepressants and offers effective relief to many of those using it. If you’ve been prescribed Brintellix, be sure to follow your doctor’s recommended guidelines and dosage for the most effective results.
When talking to your doctor about antidepressant medication, be upfront with him or her with your full medical history. It is only with this information that your doctor can determine what kind of antidepressant medication is right for you. Be sure to include information like if you drink alcohol, use drugs, or take other prescription medications. With this information, your doctor can warn you about and control for possibly dangerous chemical interactions.
Mixing Alcohol and Vivitrol (Naltrexone)
When going through addiction treatment, many people are prescribed a safe, prescription drug to ease the process and help the brain adjust. Vivitrol, the brand name for generic drug naltrexone, is one of the most common drugs used to help with opiate addiction recovery.
Vivitrol is most commonly prescribed as a component of a more holistic treatment process, which can include individual and group therapy, detox, sponsorship, inpatient and outpatient meetings, and lifestyle changes.
Vivitrol is not intended as a replacement for the mental and social changes associated with successful opiate addiction recovery. Instead, Vivitrol was designed to help with the physiological aspects of withdrawal and coming off of opiates. Vivitrol has also been shown to be effective in treating alcohol addiction and dependence in some individuals.
If you are taking Vivitrol, it is important not to take any opiates, including methadone, or use any alcohol. Naltrexone works in the brain as an opiate antagonist, which means it decreases the effectiveness of opiate and minimizes the user’s desire to take opiates.
Because of how the naltrexone affects the brain, taking alcohol or other drugs while using it can cause sudden withdrawal symptoms which can be dangerous. These symptoms can include constipation, diarrhea, severe headaches, uncontrollable vomiting, tremors, sleeplessness, severe drowsiness, and high agitation.
Summing Up Side Effects, Interactions, and Blackouts of Mixing Alcohol and Vivitrol (Naltrexone)
Vivitrol is an effective medication for many people, but it is not the right choice for everyone.
When taking naltrexone, it is necessary to abstain from alcohol consumption because Vivitrol and alcohol both affect function. When taken together, dangerous interactions can occur. If you are currently taking Vivitrol and think you may be addicted, or cannot stop alcohol use during your medication, don’t delay.
If you or a loved one is struggling with Vivitrol addiction, you don’t have to go through it alone. Visit our website at www.TheRecoveryVillage.com or our toll-free hotline at 855-548-9825 anytime to learn more about the road to recovery. We are available 24/7 and can help you overcome this addiction today.