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Act Fast – Limited Capacity

Act Fast – Limited Capacity

The Strategic Prevention Framework

The Strategic Prevention Framework is the guiding practice in program planning and evaluation. It is the building blocks for program delivery. This course will outline the SPF process and detail how to utilize data to assess need, readiness, and program outcomes.

Establishing the Therapeutic Relationship

Clinician’s face varied challenges when it comes to the challenging work we do within different populations across varied settings. In this training you will learn skills necessary to best establish rapport with children & adolescents in a way that can foster resiliency and success as they work through different mental health and substance abuse difficulties.

Utilizing the Therapeutic Powers of Play

Play can be a powerful healing agent with mutual benefit for both clients and clinicians. This presentation addresses the therapeutic powers of play across a variety of settings and populations with tangible application for clinical practice.

Motivational Interviewing – Level Up Your Impact

Participants will develop and practice core skills in Motivational Interviewing, learn the foundational principles of spirit and strategy, and explore ways to incorporate intentional conversations about change into their programs and practices.

Suicide Prevention and Intervention

The purpose of this presentation is to increase awareness about death by suicide as a community health risk and a risk that clinicians will encounter in their clinical practice and personal life and to provide understanding and tools to address self harm and suicide risk and intervene appropriately.

Building Rapport: An Essential Counseling Skill

Learn how to find the balance between taking the reigns of the therapeutic process as the professional and guiding your client through their treatment and making them feel comfortable, following their lead, and focusing on their needs and goals.

EMDR Therapy Overview

Many people suffer needlessly from traumatic life events and EMDR is incredibly effective treating trauma in a way that talk therapy cannot.
